Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Website: Niko Alexander


I've never bought anything from this website, but started to check it occasionally after taking this course. To me threadless is a happy medium between an organized website and a cynical/comedy website. The website's interface is clean and very easy to maneuver through, but through certain ironic/witty text or designs (t-shirts or otherwise) the website comes across with witty, snarky comments that can make the user smile and enjoy the site. I think the website also works well because besides the organized business that prints and regulates the forum, this really is a community where people can get the chance to gather to critique, gain knowledge, and take part in creating interesting and ironic designs. Kind of like facebook, threadless allows for each person to have their own spot on the website. I think one of the biggest things i enjoy is that threadless does not have any pop-ups or ads that do not convey the overall message of the website.

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