Monday, November 29, 2010

Website Blog Minnesota

You'll have fun with this one, I know it. It's a toddler's site for a rather odd show called Boobah, and therefore has no words or real sense about it. But it has pretty colors, fun noises and randomness galore.

It's design is universal, and anyone who can move a mouse can enjoy it. What I like best is that since it has no words or direction, it creates a sense of wonder and curiosity in every person. There is no instruction, no guidance, no hint to what will happen next. You forget that you're on a site designed to stimulate a young mind, because your mind is enthralled and captivated by it just as easily.

It's a really silly site, but really interesting in it's creation because it's so basic, but with so many things to click on, it's also very complex. Sometimes the best designs are the ones made for young, uncorrupted minds. And, the best part is that there are no ads!

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