Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WEbsite: Kara Kasper


The site I really liked was the Converse website. I do really like converse, but that wasn't why I picked it. I have never actually been to this site before, but converse tends to have some fun, crazy designs often so I thought I would check it out, and I ended up really liking it.

The first thing I noticed, that really captures your attention is all the movement. Everything has this sort of animation and I find it fun and entertaining. Then the bright attention getter colors really appeal to me. I also really like the Christmas/winter theme, because I love Christmas of course! Another thing that I really enjoy about the site is that there are a lot of ways to get to things and lots of over all options keeping me interested. The whole style of the site appeals to me.

I really think this a fun site with the movement and options. I also think the site is very attractive with lots of pictures, bright colors and a neat style.

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